Language: Manuscripts must have been in English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). The Editor suggests avoiding using the first person (we, us, our) in the text. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to check their paper before submission for grammar and clarity by a native English speaker.

Typing: Manuscripts must be typewritten in Word (10 points Arial), with 1.5 spacing and margins 2 cm on A4 pages. The authors using Word 2007 or newer versions (.docx extension) should prepare their manuscript to be fully compatible with earlier versions of Word text processor (.doc extension). The text should be in a single-column format without a constant right-hand margin (i.e., full justification should be avoided). Each new paragraph should be indicated. Number all manuscript pages, including references, tables, a list of figure captions and figures. Indicate positions for figures and tables in the text. Footnotes should be avoided. Pages must be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript.

General Format: Manuscripts must include the following sections in the order listed:

  • Title Page
  • Authors full names (ORCID iD and Full affiliation)
  • Abstract 
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Material and Methods 
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Nomenclature (optional)
  • Acknowledgment (optional)
  • References
  • Tables and Figures
  • Abstract in Serbian (only for authors from Serbia)
  • CRediT authorship contribution statement
  • Declarations as to whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and whether all authors have consented to the manuscript being published and, if accepted for publication, not to be published elsewhere in the same form or in any other language.


Recommendation: use line numbering in the text.


Title page: The title page should contain the following items:

  • Title of the paper in caps (symbols, formulas and abbreviations should be not included except for widespread terms).      
  • Author suggestions for manuscript categorization (original scientific papers, short communications, professional papers, or review articles). 
  • Full names (including the first name) of all authors.
  • Affiliation of all authors (it should be clearly stated by using Arabic superscript numbers placed after the author`s name and before the appropriate address). 
  • The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk.
    • footnote should contain the name, affiliation, full postal address, and an email address for the corresponding author.

Abstract: The second page should contain one-paragraph Abstract of up to 250 words. It should provide a concise summary of the objective, the main results, and the conclusion.

Authors from Serbia should also submit an abstract written in Serbian, including the title, authors, affiliations, and keywords on the separate page at the end of the paper after References.

Keywords: Up to five keywords should be provided after the Abstracts, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (e.g "and", "of"). Only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible.

Introduction: This section should contain a concise description of background information and related studies directly connected to the paper with appropriate references, the problem investigated and the work’s aim. A detailed literature survey or a summary of the results should be avoided.

Material and Methods: This section should provide a concise description of the purity and source of all employed materials, as well as details of the instruments used with producers and countries of origin. The employed methods should be described sufficiently detail to enable experienced persons to repeat them. Also, this section should include procedures and equipment used. New techniques should be described in detail, while already known methods must have adequate references.

Results and Discussion: Results and Discussion should be written as one combined section to simplify the presentation or be kept separate. Results should be concisely presented with tables or illustrations for clarity. Discussion should not be merely the repetition of the obtained results and should provide authors' interpretation of the significance  of the obtained results without repetition of the material in the Introduction. 

Conclusion: This section must not be merely the repetition of the content of the previous sections. It should concisely and clearly explain the significance of the results obtained in the presented work and indicate the significant contribution of the manuscript with its applications.

Nomenclature: Abbreviations and symbols should be defined at first mention and used consistently after that. Listed symbols and abbreviations should be supplied on a separate sheet at the end of the paper.

AcknowledgmentsIf authors have some expression of gratitude for assistance or financial support, it should be placed in a separate section at the end of the article before the References.

References: All publications cited in the text should be numbered according to their appearance in the text with Arabic numbers of normal size, in parentheses (for example, [1][2,3][4-7]) in order of appearance and listed at the end of the paper. The names of all authors, full paper names, and full journal names should be given. Particular attention should be paid to the order of data and punctuation. 

Please give doi at the end of each reference as active link (provide the link to the publication’s online version or ISBN for books).


In addition, please note the following examples for section References.


Smith WV, Cudra JH, Campbell HN. Kinetics of alkane pyrolysis. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1958, 15, 338-356.


Levespiel O. Chemical Reaction Engineering. 3rd ed. John Wiley&Sons, New York, 1999.

-Book chapter:

Solensky R. Drug allergy: desensitization and treatment of reactions to antibiotics and aspirin. In: Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy. Lockey P, ed., 3rd ed. Marcel Dekker, New York, 2004, 585-606.

-Conference proceedings:

Surname AB, Surname CD. Title of the Proceeding. In: Proceeding of Name of the Conference or Symposium. Place of the Conference, Country, Year, pp. 100-102.


EN ISO 250: Title of the Standard, Year.

-Thesis (Ph.D.):

Marklinder I. Lactic acid-fermented oats and barley for human dietary use with special reference to Lactobacillus spp. and the nutritional and sensory properties. Thesis, Dept of Domestic Sciences, Uppsala University, 1996.


Inventor AB, Inventor CD. Title of the patent. Country Code and patent number, registration year. 

-Online citations:

Title of the website. URL in full. Accessed June 7, 2021.



TablesTables should supplement, not duplicate, the information presented in the text and figures. All Tables must be mentioned in the text. A separate line should be used to mark the place of the Table within the text. All tables should be placed after the References, on a separate page, numbered consecutively to which they are referred and given a suitable caption. Tables have to be prepared by the “Insert Table” tool incorporated in all MS Word text processors. Each table should have a brief descriptive title.

Tables must be prepared without vertical lines and with the horizontal line in the header and the Table’s footer. Each Table must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (at the top) followed by a brief descriptive title (Table 1. Physical properties of …). 

FiguresDrawings, diagrams, graphics, charts, and photographs are all to be referred to as Figure(s). They should be clear concise, with no extra details. The figures’ letters, numbers, and symbols should be sufficiently large and clear to stay readable after reducing the figure size. Each figure must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (at the bottom) followed by a brief descriptive title (e.g., Figure 1. Dependence…). The numbering must be done according to the order of appearance in the text. All Figures must be mentioned in the text in consecutive order. Each figure should be given on a separate sheet with its number clearly stated. The captions (legends) should be grouped and placed on another separate sheet that follows the Tables but precedes the Figures. 

The final submission must contain a separate folder with original figures. Color photographs are not acceptable for printing

The electronic artwork should be converted to one of the following formats: 

TIFF (or JPEG) – Grayscale photographs (halftones): always use a minimum of 300 dpi

TIFF (or JPEG) – Bitmapped line drawings: use a minimum of 1000 dpi.

TIFF (or JPEG) – Combinations bitmapped line/halftone (grayscale): a minimum of 500 dpi is required.

Formulas and Equations: Chemical formulas and structural chemical equations are all referred to as Figures. For chemical formulae, the authors are strongly recommended using ChemWin or ChemDraw programs. For mathematical equations, the authors are strongly recommended using equation editors incorporated into MS Word 2003 or MathType. Arabic numerals should mark mathematical and chemical equations in parentheses in the order of their appearance. The distinction between digit “one” and letter “l” and between digit “zero” and capital “O” must be made. Do not use the small letter “o” for zero. All Formulas and Equations must be mentioned in the text in consecutive order.

Units: Authors are requested to use the International System of Units (SI). Although the SI system is preferred, Celsius degree (oC) and angstroms (Å) are acceptable for practical reasons.

Plants, animals, and microorganisms: Plants, animals, and microorganisms should be named by their full binominal Latin nomenclature in italic at the first mention in the text. A collection number, strain number, or name should be quoted, e.g. Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8325. After that, abbreviate them in the text, e.g. S. aureus.

Chemical nomenclature: Follow the usage of Chemical Abstracts whenever possible.